Hi, my name is Alexandra. When I was a little girl, I had a deep love for fairy tales. Our library had an extensive collection of books featuring fairy tales from all over the world, and it was truly amazing to see how different they were from one another.
I developed a strong passion for reading at a young age and eventually memorized all the fairy tales by heart. As I grew older, I found great joy in sharing these stories with other children, whether it was at school, during summer camps, or while visiting my grandmother. I vividly remember the awe in their eyes as they listened intently to every word I spoke. It brought me immense happiness.

Now, at 38 years old, I have a family of my own. Despite the passing years, my love for fairy tales remains as strong as ever, and I want to pass on that same sense of wonder and excitement to all children. I want them to experience a world where miracles, magic, and adventure are not only possible but cherished. This is why I decided to embark on this project—it's filled with love and is an integral part of my soul.

Furthermore, I would like to extend an invitation to all fellow fairy tale enthusiasts to contribute to this project. If you have a passion for writing quests in your own towns, please feel free to reach out to me directly at authors@fairytal.city.
I wish you all a delightful and enchanting time filled with joyous adventures!

Send me your message with any idea or thoughts!

E-mail: feedback@fairytale.city

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